November 23, 2011

I Do Believe ft. Les Visible

Offered in Love to Les Visible...

a great light in a dark time, 
bringing courage and inspiration to so many.

I am so grateful that you came into my life,
and I thank you.


Also with appreciation to thelevelshift.
It was a pleasure to co-create with you.  Your music moves me.

November 7, 2011

Prayer to the Light

The Light of the Divine
on me, in me,
through me, 
around me, 
as me.
Because of this Light,
we Live.

November 4, 2011


Away from the
Psychic noise of civilization
The patient voice
of the Great Creator
Speaks to me
in generous warmth
A soothing balm
On my spirit
Chasing away the shadows
Awakening connection
to Life